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The Zone


The Zone

As a professionally trained ballet dancer and teacher/choreographer of contemporary dance with a strong interest in Gaga and Butō, I started to incorporate, filter and further develop the techniques I’ve learned and embedded them in daily routines. In this process I figured out what is essential for me as a creator, what brings me true joy, what heals me. Elaborating my knowledge in somatic practice I got in touch with unblocking methods and the approach of „being rather than doing“. Drawing back to the width of my experiences, it’s time to share my genuine research with others. I’m blessed to have found ways which give access to the body, utilize our powerful nature and bring back our creative source. I consider that as human beings, we actively but humbly need to take care of our mental, emotional and physical health, together. We felt during this last year, how important this is. The key is to strengthen what is already within us but also to learn what relaxes the body and returns to feeling and trusting in what is felt. With the target to use rituals that bring us back to the flow state, The Zone embraces mental clarity and helps to stop being too judgemental about a process.





The zone - program

The zone is a program/process of 5 days (6 hours per day) were together, we will dive into the Zone - a ritual that connects you with your body and aims to integrate flow in the process of creation. The practices incorporate writing, breathwork, movement, and voice as well as long durational. Starting from the creative impulses The Zone has a healing and regenerating potential of sustainable impact. Sustainability is guaranteed since The Zone’s attention lies on a deep somatic approach, an inward-focus, as well as a validated system of communication to adjust to its own needs. 

*people unemployed or students recive an adjunt fees, contact me via email.

Art work by @bybembe

Art work by @bybembe